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Delete 1 GB/T 223.7-2002_ENGLISH Iron powder -- Determination of iron content -- Potassium dichromate titration method 1 3 209 Need to translate
Delete 2 GB/T 12224-2015_ENGLISH General requirements for industrial steel valves 1 0, How it works in 9s? 495 99+ currencies PDF2
Delete 3 GB/T 41896-2022_ENGLISH Quality requirements of oxygen absorber for food 1 0, How it works in 9s? 230 99+ currencies PDF3
Delete 4 GB/T 27604-2024_ENGLISH Mobile emergency location service rule 1 3 299 Need to translate
Delete 5 GB/T 36282-2018_ENGLISH Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and test methods of drive motor system for electric vehicles 1 0, How it works in 9s? 145 99+ currencies PDF5
Delete 6 YS/T 252.4-2007_ENGLISH Methods for chemical analysis of nickel matte. Determination of copper content. Sodium thiosulphate titrimetric method 1 0, How it works in 9s? 110 99+ currencies PDF6
Delete 7 GB/T 43486-2023_ENGLISH Test method for protective agents for heating system 1 3 289 Need to translate
Delete 8 GB/T 13750-2023_ENGLISH Vibratory pile driving and extracting equipment - Safety operation rules 1 3 189 Need to translate
Delete 9 GB/T 35738-2017_ENGLISH Logistics warehousing distribution center conveyor, sorting and peripheral equipment -- Classification and terminology 1 4 359 Need to translate
More PDF Samples                    Total (USD) 2325.00

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